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ORIGIN Left posterior aortic sinus of ascending aorta. COURSE Posterior aortic sinus Forward                                                                                       Pulmonary trunk       Left       Left auricle   BRANCHES ANTERIOR INTERVENTRICULAR BRANCH ⇒ Septal branches ⇒ Left conus artery forms arterial ring around pulmonary trunk with right conus  artery ⇒ Ant ventricular branches…largest is “left diagonal artery”        2. CIRCUMFLEX BRANCH ⇒ Atrial branches ⇒ Left marginal …

Left Coronary artery Read More »

The ascending aorta extends itself as the arch of aorta at sternal angle and it further extends itself as descending thoracic aorta at sternal angle. So, the beginning and the ending is at the level of sternal angle. It is situated in the superior mediastinum behind the lower half of manubrium sterni. COURSE Begins as …

Arch of Aorta Read More »

First, let us learn what is metabolism of xenobiotics.. Detoxification –     The series of biochemical reactions occurring in the body to convert foreign compounds to non-toxic and more easily excretable form. Xenobiotic is any foreign or strange substance to the body. Detoxification of this is called metabolism of xenobiotics. The metabolism of xenobiotics is …

Conjugation Read More »

Click on the link to download the pdf   Glycogenolysis — Mansi Nahar

Knee joint Type of joint Condylar synovial joint between condyles of Femur & Tibia and Saddle joint between Tibia & Patella. Complex joint as the joint cavity is divided by menisci Articular surfaces (CPC) Condyles of Femur Patella Condyles of Tibia The Femoral condyles articulate with Tibial condyles below and behind & with Patellar condyles …

Knee Joint Read More »

HIP JOINT -Mansi Nahar -Prajwal Shetty

Breast -Mansi Nahar Prajwal Shetty

Urinary Bladder *Double click the nodes to explore the map -Chaitanya Inge