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Hepatic encephalopathy is due to rise in ammonia levels in blood Etiopathogenesis : Increased ammonia level in blood (Most important) Increase in short chain fatty acids Rise in methionine level Rise in false neurotransmitters like octopamine Increased conversion of tryptophan to inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin Increased sensitivity of CNS neurones to GABA (inhibitory neurotransmitter) Increased conversion …

Hepatic encephalopathy Read More »

Management of fibroids includes investigations and treatment Investigations •Hb, blood group •Ultrasound: location, size, number,for follow up of fibroids after menopause and during GnRH therapy •Hysterosalpingography and salpingography: to identify submucous fibroid and to check patency of fallopian tubes in infertility. •Hysteroscopy: to identify a submucous polyp and excising it under direct visualisation. •D and …

Management of Fibroids Read More »

Clinical features of uterine fibroids include : Symptoms -About 50% fibroids are asymptomatic–Menorrhagia, polymenorrhea, metrorrhagia, continuous bleeding. postmenopausal bleeding–infertility -Pregnancy complications: recurrent abortions, malpresentation, preterm labor, obstructed or prolonged labor, IUGR.-pain: abdominal pain, backache, spasmodic dysmenorrhea-abdominal lump, mass protruding at introitus–pressure symptoms: on bladder, ureters, rectum-vaginal discharge Signs –Anemia–Abdominal lump-tumour is mobile from side to …

Clinical features and complications of Fibroids Read More »

Fibroids are also called myoma/leiomyoma/fibromyoma Features of fibroids: –Benign smooth muscle tumour of the Uterus -Estrogen dependent -Whorled appearance -Pearly white in colour Anatomy of fibroids -Well circumscribed -Pseudocapsule (contain blood vessels) -Cut surface: whorled appearance, pinkish white Types of uterine fibroids a. Cervical– anterior, posterior, central, lateral b. Body of uterus– intramural: the tumour …

Fibroids anatomy, types and Etiology Read More »

It is a condition when the tail of the IUCD is not seen through the os. Causes: 1.uterus has enlarged through pregnancy has been expelled 3.thread has curled inside the uterus 4. perforation has occurred and IUCD is buried in the myometrium Methods of identification : 1.Plain radiograph or ultrasound to check if IUCD …

Misplaced IUCD Read More »

IUCD is a device made of polyethylene which is impregnated with barium sulphate (which is radiopaque) so that the presence or absence can be detected by ultrasound or radiograph. It has a nylon thread attached to it’s lower end which protrudes through the cervical canal into the vagina. The thread can be felt by the …

Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Read More »

Natural contraception includes: 1.Rhythm method it is based on identification of fertile period during a cycle and to abstain from sexual intercourse during that period. There are three methods –Calendar rhythm: recording of previous menstrual cycles –Temperature rhythm: noting the basal body temperature chart –Mucus rhythm: noting excessive mucoid vaginal discharge. 2.Coitus interruptus: withdrawal of …

Natural contraception Read More »

Methods of contraception include: Temporary: used to postpone or space births. Include: 1.Barrier methods 2.Natural contraception 3.Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCD) 4.Steroidal contraception Permanent: the reproductive function of an individual male or female is purposely and permanently destroyed. They include: Female– Tubal occlusion (Tubectomy) Male– Vasectomy –Mrunali Gondane