Natural contraception
1.Rhythm method
it is based on identification of fertile period during a cycle and to abstain from sexual intercourse during that period. There are three methods
–Calendar rhythm: recording of previous menstrual cycles
–Temperature rhythm: noting the basal body temperature chart
–Mucus rhythm: noting excessive mucoid vaginal discharge.
2.Coitus interruptus:
withdrawal of penis shortly before ejaculation
3.Breastfeeding, Lactational amenorrhea method
-prolonged and sustained breast feeding is a natural protection of pregnancy.
-more effective in amenorrhoeic women than menstruating women.
-for a women who is amenorrhoeic and breast feeding, risk of pregnancy is less than 2% in the first 6 months.
-otherwise, failure rate is high 1-10%
Hence, condom, IUCD or injectable steroids should be used to provide complete contraception.
-When to use a contraceptive method?
for a full breast feeding woman: in 3rd postpartum month
for a partial or no breastfeeding woman: in 3rd postpartum week.
–Mrunali Gondane