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Diuretics are the drugs which causes loss of Na and water in urine. CLASSIFICATION OF DIURETICS HIGH EFFICACY DIURETICS SUPHAMOYL DERIVATIVES- furosemide, bumetanide MEDIUM EFFICACY DIURETICS THIAZIDES– hydrochlorothiazide, benzthiazide THIAZIDE LIKE– metolazone, xipamide, indapamide, clopamide WEAK DIURETICS CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITORS– acetazolamide POTASSIUM SPARING DIURETICS– Aldosterone antagonist- spironolactone Inhibitors of renal epithelial Na channel- amiloride OSMOTIC …

Thiazides Read More »

Hypokalaemia Occurs with chronic use or if dietary intake of K is less. Longer acting thiazide causes more loss of K than shorter acting (intermittent compensatory replenishment) furosemide. Prevention/treatment– high intake of K, supplement KCL, use K sparing diuretic. Ototoxicity Only with loop diuretics in presence of renal insufficiency. Allergy Rash, photosensitivity. Hyperuricemia Competition with …

Side effects of thiazides and furosemide Read More »

Let’s first understand what it means. ACUTE– transient in nature (rarely leads to renal failure) PROLIFERATIVE– proliferation of endothelial and mesangial cells POST– 1-4 weeks after INFECTIOUS– Occurring because of infections like staphy, strept. GLOMERULONEPHRITIS– Inflammation of glomerulus. PATHOGENESIS The basic mechanism which underlies this disease is SUBEPITHELIAL immune complex deposition. So, just let’s go …

Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis (APGN) or Post Infectious glomerulonephritis (PIGN) Read More »

Click on the link to download the file Pharmacotherapy of Peptic ulcer   -By Jay Shah, Soumya Khot This video might help :  

– Vomiting or emesis occurs due to stimulation of vomiting centre in the lateral medullary reticular formation. – It receives input from GI mucosa, CTZ & vestibular apparatus. • Antiemetics are the drugs used to prevent or suppress vomiting. Classification :- Awesome People Had Antiemetic Drugs Successfully. 1. Anticholinergics 2. Prokinetic drugs 3. H1 antihistamines …

Antiemetic and Prokinetic drugs Read More »

• IBD is a chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of ileum & colon. • Two major types are – ulcerative colitis(UC) & Crohn’s disease(CrD). The drugs used in both these conditions are same, but their roles & efficacy differ. The drugs are – 1. 5- amino salicylic acid compounds (5-ASA). 2. Corticosteroids. 3. Immunosuppressants. 4. TNF …

Drugs for Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Read More »

These are the drugs which promote evacuation of bowels. Laxatives :- milder action, elimates soft but formed stools. Purgatives :- stronger action, more fluid evacuation.   Mechanism of action : All purgatives increase the water content of faeces by : An osmotic action, retaining water & electrolytes in the intestinal lumen. This increases volume of …

Drugs for constipation Read More »

WHO defines diarrhoea as 3 or more loose and watery stools in 24 hours of period. May be due to Decreased water & electrolyte balance Increased secretion by intestinal mucosa Increased luminal osmotic load Inflammation of the mucosa & exudation in lumen. Principles of management – Most diarrhoeas are self limiting. Management of diarrhoea depends …

Drugs for diarrhoea Read More »