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Cardiac Cycle -Prajwal Shetty

Definition It is a test to assess Platelet Function and Coagulation Factor Status of the blood. Methods There are 2 methods to check bleeding time : IVY Method : Take a 1mm deep incision 10mm long on the ventral side of the forearm – Tie blood pressure cuff on the upper arm and raise the …

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Haemoglobin and Porphyrins Click the below link to download the document: Haemoglobin -Pratik Agarwal

1 2 3 4 5 -Mansi Nahar

Hormone : secretory product of ductless gland released directly into circulation in small amount in response to a specific to produce response in the target cell/organ. Growth Hormone – secreted by Acidophil Somatotroph of the Anterior lobe / Anterior pituitary / Adenohypophysis. Control of GH secretion : Release of GH is primarily undercontrol of a) …

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(PEPSIN and ACID) Dis continuation of epithelial lining i.e. Damage to Epithelial Lining in the GI tract with acid and pepsin secretion areas i.e. Lower End of Oesophagus, Stomach, First Part of Duodenum Causes of Peptic Ulcer A) Excess secretion of Acid-Pepsin by Gastric Mucosa B) Diminished ability of Gastro-Duodenal Mucosal Barrier to protect against …

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1 2 3 4 -By Pratik Agarwal (LTMMC)

BIOTRANSFORMATION Click the below link to download the powerpoint presentation METABOLISM -Mansi Nahar