
PCR is a technique for generating large quantities of specified DNA. We doctors (DRs) should know the steps of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Hence, the steps are : D- Denaturation R- Renaturation (or annealing) S- Synthesis Now let us understand a little about what happens in the individual steps. Denaturation is when the DNA gets …

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The Rhythm Nearly Proved Contagious Remember the vitamins in increasing order: Thiamine (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Niacin (B3) Pyridoxine (B6) Cobalamin (B12)

Do you find it difficult to remember the Kreb’s cycle? Don’t worry, here’s a way that could help you easily recollect the names of the substrates. Remember the line: Citrate Is Kreb’s Starting Substrate For Making Oxaloacetate! Citrate– Citrate Is– Isocitrate Kreb’s– alpha Ketoglutarate Starting– Succinyl CoA Substrate -Succinate For– Fumarate Making– Malate Oxaloacetate– Oxaloacetate …

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If Learnt, This Valuable List May Prove Truly Helpful ! If- Isoleucine Learnt- Leucine This- Threonine List- Lysine May- Methionine Prove- Phenylalanine Truly- Tryptophan Valuable- Valine And- Argininine Helpful- Histidine Argininine and Histidine are considered semi essential amino acids. OR another mnemonic could be used : PVT TIM HALL Phe Val Thr Trp Ile Met …

Learn the 9 essential amino acids Read More »

She Looks Too Pretty, Try To Catch Her! Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate The proximal row contains scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum and pisiform from lateral to medial. The distal row contains trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate from lateral to medial. Hence, in total, there are 8 carpal bones in each wrist.

Better Mother Care During Hypertensive Pregnancy Better- beta blockers (labetalol and cardioselective) Mother- methyl dopa ( it is the preferred drug) Care- Clonidine During- Dihydropyridine CCB Hypertensive- Hydralazine (it is the drug of choice for hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy) Pregnancy- Prazosin (and other aloha blockers)

C- Cough A- Angioedema P- Proteinuria T- Taste disturbance and Teratogenic O- Others(fatigue and headache) P- Potassium increase R- Renal failure (if used in bilateral renal artery stenosis) I- Itch L-Low BP (postural hypotension)

Glaucoma (angle closure) Alkalinisation of urine Mountain sickness Epilepsy