
Acute pulmonary edema is fluid buildup in the lungs. It is a medical emergency. It is usually caused due to a heart condition.  Mnemonic for Treatment of Acute pulmonary edema is LMNOP.  L– Loop diuretics M– Morphine N– Nitrates O– Oxygen P– Pressors(Dobutamine) and Position(sit up) 

4 A’s of Blueler Autism- social withdrawal, excessive fantasy thinking Ambivalence- inability to take decision Affect flattening Association disturbances- changing the topic without identifiable links

In the brachial plexus, branches are given from the Roots, Upper trunk, Lateral cord, Medial cord and the Posterior cord. Overwhelmed already? Don’t worry, this popular mnemonic will help you remember the Branches quite easily. Branches from the Roots: Dorsal Scapular Nerve (C5) Long Thoracic nerve of Bell/ Nerve to Serratus anterior (C5 C6 C7)- …

Mnemonic to remember branches of Brachial Plexus Read More »

S– SkinC– Connective tissueA– Aponeurosis (galea)L– Loose connective tissueP– Periosteum Related articles: Fascial layers of the neck and carotid sheath

Horner’s syndrome is caused because of damage to the cervical sympathetic system. It leads to signs and symptoms on the same side of the lesion. Here’s a mnemonic for the features of Horner’s syndrome- AMPLE Anhydrosis Miosis Ptosis Loss of ciliospinal reflex Enophthalmos

AAaaa HMP (Pentose) Pathway Is Difficult 😱, Go Forward and Study Liver’s Cholesterol ! A- Acetyl CoA A- Acetoacetyl CoA H- HMG CoA M- Mevalonate P- 5-Phosphomevalonate P- 5-Pyrophosphomevalonate P- 3-Phospho 5-pyrophosphomevalonate I- Isopentenyl pyrophosphate D- Dimethyl allyl pyrophosphate G- Geranyl pyrophosphate F- Farsenyl pyrophosphate S- Squalene L- Lanosterol C- Cholesterol   A few other …

Cholesterol biosynthesis mnemonic Read More »

Hello guys! I have always found it difficult to remember cycles or pathways. So I thought of trying to make it easier for you to remember Ketogenesis (synthesis of ketone bodies) by explaining it in the form of a story (do take a look at the pathway shown in the image to understand the story). …

Synthesis of Ketone bodies Read More »

Detoxification mainly takes place in the liver. The purpose is to convert foreign or toxic compounds to easily excretable or non toxic forms. Detoxification reactions can be remembered by CHOR– Conjugation, Hydrolysis, Oxidation and Reduction. Detoxification is divided into two phases (I and II). Phase I includes three reactions (HOR of CHOR) called Hydrolysis, Oxidation …

Mnemonic for detoxification Read More »