How to prepare for Prosthodontics Practical exams

How to prepare for Prosthodontics Practical exams

The next subject that I’d like to highlight on is prostho.

Prostho is all on luck. The better is your luck, perfect is your impression!

♦ We have been practicing impression making throughout third bds and final bds.

But, all patients come with a different anatomy and response.

We need to be very calm and gentle, as we are dealing with aged patients.

♦ For those who are given JAW RELATIONS in exam, Please do not worry, as it is one of the easiest thing to do in exam, and relatively safer and predictable unlike impression making.

♦ Do not use too much petroleum jelly while manipulating ZOE, as it causes void formation and distorts the impression.

♦ Apply some petroleum jelly around the patients lips and mouth so that the excess zoe doesn’t stick around.

♦ Keep your custom trays and wax rims neat and polished, as they carry some marks.



Intern, YMT Dental College, Navi Mumbai

Noora Pathan has been the final year topper and consistent MUHS rank holder. Besides dentistry, she likes to snuggle in with her novels or devour falafels with hummus.

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