
Management of fibroids includes investigations and treatment Investigations •Hb, blood group •Ultrasound: location, size, number,for follow up of fibroids after menopause and during GnRH therapy •Hysterosalpingography and salpingography: to identify submucous fibroid and to check patency of fallopian tubes in infertility. •Hysteroscopy: to identify a submucous polyp and excising it under direct visualisation. •D and …

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Clinical features of uterine fibroids include : Symptoms -About 50% fibroids are asymptomatic–Menorrhagia, polymenorrhea, metrorrhagia, continuous bleeding. postmenopausal bleeding–infertility -Pregnancy complications: recurrent abortions, malpresentation, preterm labor, obstructed or prolonged labor, IUGR.-pain: abdominal pain, backache, spasmodic dysmenorrhea-abdominal lump, mass protruding at introitus–pressure symptoms: on bladder, ureters, rectum-vaginal discharge Signs –Anemia–Abdominal lump-tumour is mobile from side to …

Clinical features and complications of Fibroids Read More »

Fibroids are also called myoma/leiomyoma/fibromyoma Features of fibroids: –Benign smooth muscle tumour of the Uterus -Estrogen dependent -Whorled appearance -Pearly white in colour Anatomy of fibroids -Well circumscribed -Pseudocapsule (contain blood vessels) -Cut surface: whorled appearance, pinkish white Types of uterine fibroids a. Cervical– anterior, posterior, central, lateral b. Body of uterus– intramural: the tumour …

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