Pooja Jadhav

Yogita Dental College and Hospital, Khed

First Year Topper

1.Congratulations on achieving such an amazing feat.   Tell  us  a  bit  about  yourself. Please  also  tell  us  your individual  marks  in  each subject.


1. I’m a fun loving person, dedicated towards my aim.
I believe that
SMART WORK + HARD WORK are keys to success, Use them WISELY for sure SUCCESS!

My marks
Human Anatomy 152
Physiology and biochem 162
Dental anatomy and histology 151

2.So, when all of  this  is  new  and the  rest  of  us  are  still  busy  figuring the  head and tail  of  the  subject,  how  did you tackle  and master  the  syllabus?

2. When everything was new, even I was not comfortable with all subjects, specially DADH because that is totally a different subject for all of us. But I used to do one thing and that is if a lecturer teaches a topic, I used to go through it once in the evening!! That’s the best thing because it fixes the concepts which are fresh in our mind.

3.Did you have  a  set  schedule, a time  table  that  you stuck to?  What  were  the  daily  hours  that  you put in self study  ?

3. Many a times, I have tried making a schedule or a timetable but it doesn’t work as I don’t follow it. Rather, I believe whenever we feel like studying, we should.  Making a timetable and studying is forceful study.  Once we recognize the importance of studying and develop interest in it we study better.
And I use to study according to my mood, sometimes for 6 or 12 hours or sometimes I would not touch my books at all :p

4.Did you have  a  different  methodology  of  tackling  the  subjects?  Any  special  notes  that  you prepared?

4.Methodology is so simple.  I don’t like to mug up things. I like to understand the particular concept. I know it’s time consuming but it helps in the long run!! For eg: in Anatomy you have to imagine many things and understand them.

5.Do you have any  special  pointers  for  specific  subjects?  The  do’s  and don’ts  of  it?

5. Anatomy: diagrams are the most important, so you have to practice those and try to see the specimen of organs and study them.
Physiology: study in the form of flowcharts… it’s simple to understand and remember.
Biochemistry: understand the chemical reactions in it, how they occur, why they occur. And cycles and examples can be remembered by abbreviations.
DADH: Phulari is best book for dental anatomy because if we just go through the images in it, it’s more than enough and for dental histology H & E diagrams should be practiced and concepts should be made clear.

6.Was there  any  help  that  you acquired while  exam  preparation?  Like  any  visual  aids  any  professional guidance?  Or  those  little  tit  bits  that  the  professors  tell  us  but  none  other than the  toppers  pay  attention to? Please  share  with us.

 6. No I didn’t acquire any professional guidance, but my seniors did guide me.
And I used to note all the important teachings in class.. it helped me a lot.

7.How vital  is  the  Question bank during  exams?  Does  it  come  highly  recommended  or  you advice  thorough reading  of  the  text  and having confound knowledge  of  the  subject?

7. I advice thorough reading of text but during exam time question bank plays a major role as we get an idea about the type of questions asked in exam and hence we can prepare accordingly.

8.How do you propose  the  students study and what kind  of  discipline  should be  followed during  exam  time?

8. Usually during exam time we get hyper or tensed… and hence get confused. Students take 4 books for one subject from different publications!! I believe that it wont work!! According to me we should read only that book which we read the whole year.
And during exam time, skipping meals and sleep is just useless. If our brain doesn’t get energy, how will it think?
I sleep for 8 hours daily, even during exam time. It keeps me fresh!!

9.Could you give  some  important  pointers  on  Exam  writing skills?  And also  how  should  one  prepare  for  a practical  exam?

 9. Most important thing is presentation.  If our paper is shabby then though our answers are absolutely correct there are chances of getting less marks. So our paper should be neat and clean. No scratches or dirty handwriting, underline important points.  This will definitely give you extra marks.

10.Any special  tricks  and tacts  for  the  students  of  your  college  who  would be  reading this?

10. Note down all important points taught in class and you have to study on your own.

11.So, do you have  any  parting thoughts?  Like  disclosing that  secret  mantra  that  you  chanted  or  that  special brand of  energy  drink  you savoured?  Just kidding.  Seriously  though, anything at  all?

11.  Yes. I believe in Almighty God, trust him and study well!! Success is in your pocket.

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