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Status asthmaticus is also called Acute severe asthma. In Status asthmaticus,1.there is severe airway response to the initial standard treatment of asthma3.severe dyspnea4.unproductive cough5.central cyanosis6.tachycardia7.sweating8.pulsus paradoxus (more than 20 mm Hg fall in BP during inspiration)9.Patient adopts an upright posture fixing the shoulder girdle to assist the accessory muscles of respiration   Treatment:1.Humidified oxygen …

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In aortic regurgitation, the aortic valve is incompetent. Hence, some of the blood which is pumped into the aorta from the left ventricle during systole, falls back into the left ventricle during diastole. The left ventricle has to now work harder to pump out the excess blood and this leads to LVH and eventually LVF. …

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Aortic stenosis is narrowing of the aortic valve orifice. Normal aortic valve orifice: 2.5-3.5 sq.cmCritical aortic stenosis: <1 sq. cm Causes of AS:Rheumatic feverCongenital- Bicuspid aortic valveCalcification of the aortic valve (old age) Symptoms (3 cardinal symptoms of Aortic stenosis):1.Exertional dyspnea2.Syncope (due to reduced cerebral perfusion)3.Angina pectoris (due to low cardiac output) SignsLow blood pressure …

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In MR, the mitral valves are incompetent.Hence, during ventricular contraction, some blood flows from the left ventricle into the left atrium. Under normal conditions, all the blood from the left ventricle enters into the aorta. Causes of MRRheumaticCongenitalCollagen vascular diseasesMitral valve prolapseIschemic heart diseaseBacterial endocarditis SymptomsExertional breathlessnessPNDOrthopnoeaPalpitations (because of LVH and Atrial fibrillation)Fatigue SignsPropped up …

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Mitral stenosis Narrowing of the lumen of the mitral valve is mitral stenosis. Normal mitral valve orifice: 4-6 Minimal MS: >2 Mild MS: 1.5-2 Moderate MS: 1-1.5 Severe MS: <1   Causes: -Rheumatic (most common) -Congenital -Severe mitral annular calcification -Collagen vascular diseases   Symptoms: 1.Breathlessness   2 Cough with …

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Must know drugs for Medicine and Pharmacology Practicals Click on the following drugs to read further. InsulinCalcium gluconateAdrenaline/EpinephrineHydrocortisoneAtropinePralidoximeNeostigmineFurosemide Sodium bicarbonateStreptokinaseUnfractionated heparinLow molecular weight heparinSalbutamolAmiodaroneDigitalis/DigoxinDobutamine VerapamilNifidepineDiltiazemPhenytoin sodiumLabetalolOseltamivirArtesunateRifampicinDopamine Insulin Synthesized by Beta cells of pancreas.Discovered by Best and Banting.Administered subcutaneously using Insulin syringe, insulin pens, insulin pumps. Actions:1.Insulin facilitates entry of glucose inside the cells.2.Inhibits hepatic glycogenolysis …

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Gynaecomastia is the proliferation of male breast glandular tissue. Causes of gynaecomastia: 1.Physiological (ageing)2.Cirrhosis of liver3.Hyperthyroidism4.Klinefelter’s syndrome5.Hypogonadism6.Tumours of testes and lung (You can remember the following drugs using DISCKO MOV 7.Digoxin8.Isoniazid9.Spironolactone10.Cimetidine11.Ketoconazole 12.Oestrogen 13.Metridazole 14.Verapamil -Mrunali Gondane

Important instruments for Medicine Practical exams Click on the instruments below to read further. Simple rubber catheter Ryle’s tube Foley’s catheter Metered dose inhaler Spacer/Spacehaler Tracheostomy tube AMBU bag Laryngoscope Endotracheal tube Liver biopsy needle Lumbar puncture needle Bone marrow aspiration needle Syringe Tuberculin Syringe Insulin Syringe IV bottle and infusion set Sphygmomanometer Sthethoscope Simple …

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