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Contraception – It includes all measures temporary or permanent, designed to prevent pregnancy due to the coital act. Objectives of conception control: 1. To bring down the birth rate to a realistic minimum during a given period of time. 2. To bring about social changes like: a. Educate and Motivate the sexually active and fertile …

Objectives of Contraception and Ideal contraceptive Read More »

Causes of Acute Pancreatitis: I: idiopathic G: gallstones E: ethanol (alcohol) T: trauma S: steroids M: mumps (and other infections) / malignancy A: autoimmune S: scorpion stings/spider bites H: hyperlipidemia/hypercalcaemia/ E: ERCP D: drugs ( diuretics, HIV infection, immunosuppressants) The first four letters are the most common causes of pancreatitis. OTHER TOPICS- Acute Abdomen Carcinoma …

Acute pancreatitis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology Read More »

Click on the link to download pdf Fatty Liver   —Mansi Nahar

Features of cholesterol synthesis Acetate of acetyl CoA provides all carbons Reducing equivalents are supplied by NADPH and ATP provides energy For producing 1 mole of cholesterol, 18 moles of acetyl CoA, 36 moles of ATP and 16 moles of NADPH are required. There are 5 stages in synthesis of cholesterol 1. Synthesis of HMG …

Cholesterol synthesis Read More »

WHAT ARE ISOTOPES Elements with same atomic number (SAN) but different atomic weights (DAW). TYPES OF ISOTOPES There are two types of isotopes: Stable Isotopes Naturally occurring Do not emit radiations Identified and quantitated by mass spectrometry or nuclear magnetic resonance. Sometimes used in biochemical investigations.   Unstable or Radioactive Isotopes (IMP SAQ) Nucleus unstable …

Radioisotopes Read More »

Central Dogma Of Protein Synthesis: (By Crick) DNA ↓ m-RNA ↓ Protein   Genetic Code: Dictionary of nucleotide base combinations which determine sequence of amino acids in proteins.   Codon:              A sequence of 3 nucleotide bases on m-RNA which                            codes for a single amino acid. E.g. AUG codes for                            methionine (Number of Codons= 4 …

Genetic code Read More »

Responsible for 80% of all cancers Organic: Dimethyl benzanthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene Inorganic: Arsenic, Cadmium MECHANISM OF ACTION Direct acting Indirectly acting: Procarcinogen → Ultimate carcinogen (via CYP 450 enzymes)   Adduct formation with Purines, Pyrimidines                      ⇓ Breakage of phosphodiester bonds             …

Chemical carcinogens Read More »

CONTENTS Position of right atrium External features Internal features POSITION It is the upper right chamber of heart. It forms the right border, upper border, the sternocostal surface & base of heart. EXTERNAL FEATURES The chamber is elongated vertically. Receives superior vena cava at upper end & inferior vena cava at lower end. Upper end …

Right Atrium Read More »