Dying Declaration Dying declaration is a statement which may be oral or written, given by a person who is dying of an unlawful act. The declaration is relating to the material facts of cause of his death or bearing on the circumstances. It is taken in the presence of the Executive Magistrate and two witnesses. …

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Courts of law are of two types: 1. Criminal Court 2.Civil Court Criminal Courts, in India, are of the following 4 types: Supreme Court High Court Sessions Court Magistrates Court Let’s look into the details of each of these Courts to get a better understanding. Supreme Court •It is the highest judicial tribunal and has …

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An inquest is an inquiry or investigation into the cause of death. In India, two types of inquests are held, Police inquest and other is Magistrate’s inquest. Let’s read about each of those and also about other types of inquests which are conducted in some other countries. Police inquest is conducted by the officer incharge …

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