PRESENCE IN BODY : Total iron content in body is 3-5 g 70% is in RBCs and 5% in myoglobins Present as Hemoglobin, myoglobins, transferrin, ferritin, hemosiderin , etc FUNCTIONS IN BODY : Hemoglobin and myoglobin constituent Cytochrome contains iron, necessary for cellular respiration Peroxidase and Catalase enzymes have iron RDA: Adult 10 mg/day Menstruating …

Iron metabolism Read More »

Haemoglobin and Porphyrins Click the below link to download the document: Haemoglobin -Pratik Agarwal

BIOTRANSFORMATION Click the below link to download the powerpoint presentation METABOLISM -Mansi Nahar

Isoenzymes -Prajwal Shetty

AIM : Oxidation of Acetyl CoA to CO2 and H20. Also connectiong almost all individual metabolic pathways. LOCATION:Mitochondrial matrix   FUNCTION: Generates high amount of NADH/FADH2 that act as fuel for ATP synthesis in ETC.   REQUIREMENT: Aerobic conditions only (NADH and FADH2 can be regenerated in ETC only in presence of oxygen) REACTIONS IN …

Tricarboxylic acid cycle (Kreb’s Cycle) Read More »

Definition: It is a metabolic disease associated with overproduction of uric acid. Where does this uric acid come from? It is the end product of purine metabolism Normal concentrations : Uric acid in serum of adults is 3-7 mg/dl. Daily excretion 500-700 mg. Abnormal Concentration: Any rise in the serum levels of uric acid from …

Gout Read More »

Protein Energy Malnutrition What is PEM? Protein energy malnutrition also called protein calorie malnutrition is the most common nutritional disorder of developing countries. Two extreme conditions of PEM are Kwashiorkar and Marasmus. Kwashiorkar Definition Malnutrition produced by a severely inadequate amount of protein in the diet. Literally means sickness of the deposed child. Occurrence: pre-school …

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PURINE SALVAGE PATHWAY Starting from what we know. Nucleotides consist of nitrogenous base, a ribose, and a phosphate. They are the structural constituents of DNA and RNA. There are two pathways for the synthesis of the purine nucleotides. The De Novo synthesis pathway and, Salvage pathway. The former is the main nucleotide synthesis pathway and the …

Purine Salvage Pathway Read More »