
We can remember the most common side effects of Aspirin by the mnemonic – ASPIRIN. A– Asthma S– Salicylate toxicity P– Peptic ulcer I– Intestinal blood loss R– Reye’s syndrome I– Idiosyncratic reaction N– Noise (Tinnitus)

We can remember the Autosomal dominant disorders by the mnemonic- DOMINANT VH3 D– Dystrophia myotonica O– Osteogenesis imperfecta M– Marfan’s syndrome I– Intermittent porphyria N– Noonan’s syndrome A– Achondroplasia, Adult polycystic kidney disease N– Neurofibromatosis T– Tuberous sclerosis V– Von Willebrand’s disease H– Hypercholesterolemia H– Huntington’s chorea H– Hereditary spherocytosis -Mrunali Gondane Other similar posts: …

Autosomal dominant disorders Read More »

Gynaecomastia is the proliferation of male breast glandular tissue. Causes of gynaecomastia: 1.Physiological (ageing)2.Cirrhosis of liver3.Hyperthyroidism4.Klinefelter’s syndrome5.Hypogonadism6.Tumours of testes and lung (You can remember the following drugs using DISCKO MOV 7.Digoxin8.Isoniazid9.Spironolactone10.Cimetidine11.Ketoconazole 12.Oestrogen 13.Metridazole 14.Verapamil -Mrunali Gondane

#Al Barbi and Benzo on New SHIP with GABA Aliphatic Carboxylic acid- valoproic acid Barbiturates– phenobarbitone, primidone Benzodiazepines– Diazepam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam Newer Drugs- Topiramate, Levatriacetam, Zonisamide, Tiagabin,Vigabatrine Succinamide– Ethosuximide Hydantoin– Phenytoin, Fosphenytoin Iminostilbene– Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine Phenyltriazine– Lamotrigine GABA analogue– Gabapentine, Pregabalin

Amitabh Bachhan has anxiety due to Abhishek Bachhan (AB,AB) Azopriones– Buspirone, Gepirone, Ispapirone Beta Blocker– Propranolol Antihistamine– Hydroxyzine Benzodiazepine– Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Oxazepam, Lorazepam, alprazolam

View this post on Instagram A post shared by imedscholar (@imedscholar_official) Hemoptysis signifies the expectoration of blood caused by disease of the respiratory tract. CAUSES OF HEMOPTYSIS-Bronchitis, BronchiectasisAspergillomaTumorTuberculosisLung abscessEmboliCoagulopathyAutoimmune disorders, Alveolar hemorrhageMitral stenosisPneumonia   Read other articles on Symptomatology- Hematemesis Hematuria

^PULSE^ P- Persistent Chest pain U- Upset GIT L- Lightheadedness S- Shortness of Breath E- Excessive Sweating

This is the mnemonic for the Antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals that cause nephrotoxicity: SIGMA Takes Good And Authentic Freak Cafe S– Sulfonamides I– Indianavir G– Ganciclovir M– Metronidazole A– Acyclovir T– Aetracycline G– Glycopeptide (vancomycin) A– Aminoglyoside A– Amphotericin F– Foscarnet C– Cidofovir ( similar drugs Tenovofir, Adenofovir)