Pharmacology mnemonics

MUG M– Mannitol U– Urea G– Glycerol

Mnemonic: The Periphery of My Lung Liver and Cornea is Photosensitive The- Thyroid (Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism) Periphery of – Peripheral neuropathy My –Myocardial depression Lung –Lung fibrosis Liver and – Liver toxicity Cornea is –Corneal microdeposits Photosensitive- Photosensitivity

We can remember the most common side effects of Aspirin by the mnemonic – ASPIRIN. A– Asthma S– Salicylate toxicity P– Peptic ulcer I– Intestinal blood loss R– Reye’s syndrome I– Idiosyncratic reaction N– Noise (Tinnitus)

#Al Barbi and Benzo on New SHIP with GABA Aliphatic Carboxylic acid- valoproic acid Barbiturates– phenobarbitone, primidone Benzodiazepines– Diazepam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam Newer Drugs- Topiramate, Levatriacetam, Zonisamide, Tiagabin,Vigabatrine Succinamide– Ethosuximide Hydantoin– Phenytoin, Fosphenytoin Iminostilbene– Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine Phenyltriazine– Lamotrigine GABA analogue– Gabapentine, Pregabalin

Amitabh Bachhan has anxiety due to Abhishek Bachhan (AB,AB) Azopriones– Buspirone, Gepirone, Ispapirone Beta Blocker– Propranolol Antihistamine– Hydroxyzine Benzodiazepine– Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Oxazepam, Lorazepam, alprazolam

This is the mnemonic for the Antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals that cause nephrotoxicity: SIGMA Takes Good And Authentic Freak Cafe S– Sulfonamides I– Indianavir G– Ganciclovir M– Metronidazole A– Acyclovir T– Aetracycline G– Glycopeptide (vancomycin) A– Aminoglyoside A– Amphotericin F– Foscarnet C– Cidofovir ( similar drugs Tenovofir, Adenofovir)