Medicine mnemonics

Acute pulmonary edema is fluid buildup in the lungs. It is a medical emergency. It is usually caused due to a heart condition.  Mnemonic for Treatment of Acute pulmonary edema is LMNOP.  L– Loop diuretics M– Morphine N– Nitrates O– Oxygen P– Pressors(Dobutamine) and Position(sit up) 

Horner’s syndrome is caused because of damage to the cervical sympathetic system. It leads to signs and symptoms on the same side of the lesion. Here’s a mnemonic for the features of Horner’s syndrome- AMPLE Anhydrosis Miosis Ptosis Loss of ciliospinal reflex Enophthalmos

Mnemonic- ABCDE A- Anticoagulants ( to prevent embolisation) B- Beta blockers (to slow down the heart rate) C- Calcium channel blockers (to slow down the heart rate) D- Digoxin (to slow down the heart rate) E- Electrocardioversion (to convert the rhythm to sinus rhythm)

Mnemonic: The Periphery of My Lung Liver and Cornea is Photosensitive The- Thyroid (Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism) Periphery of – Peripheral neuropathy My –Myocardial depression Lung –Lung fibrosis Liver and – Liver toxicity Cornea is –Corneal microdeposits Photosensitive- Photosensitivity

You can remember the Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease by the very simple mnemonic – TRAP T– Tremor (pill rolling and resting tremor) R– Rigidity (Cog wheel rigidity) A– Akinesia or bradykinesia (slowness in initiating movement) P– Postural instability Drug Treatment of Parkinson’s disease can be remembered using the mnemonic- BALSA (Balsa is a variety of …

Symptoms and treatment of Parkinson’s disease Read More »

We can remember the most common side effects of Aspirin by the mnemonic – ASPIRIN. A– Asthma S– Salicylate toxicity P– Peptic ulcer I– Intestinal blood loss R– Reye’s syndrome I– Idiosyncratic reaction N– Noise (Tinnitus)

Gynaecomastia is the proliferation of male breast glandular tissue. Causes of gynaecomastia: 1.Physiological (ageing)2.Cirrhosis of liver3.Hyperthyroidism4.Klinefelter’s syndrome5.Hypogonadism6.Tumours of testes and lung (You can remember the following drugs using DISCKO MOV 7.Digoxin8.Isoniazid9.Spironolactone10.Cimetidine11.Ketoconazole 12.Oestrogen 13.Metridazole 14.Verapamil -Mrunali Gondane

View this post on Instagram A post shared by imedscholar (@imedscholar_official) Hemoptysis signifies the expectoration of blood caused by disease of the respiratory tract. CAUSES OF HEMOPTYSIS-Bronchitis, BronchiectasisAspergillomaTumorTuberculosisLung abscessEmboliCoagulopathyAutoimmune disorders, Alveolar hemorrhageMitral stenosisPneumonia   Read other articles on Symptomatology- Hematemesis Hematuria