Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) steps

PCR is a technique for generating large quantities of specified DNA.

We doctors (DRs) should know the steps of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Hence, the steps are :

D- Denaturation

R- Renaturation (or annealing)

S- Synthesis

Now let us understand a little about what happens in the individual steps.

Denaturation is when the DNA gets denatured and the two strands separate. It takes 1 minute and requires a temperature of 95°C.

Renaturation, in which the primers bind with target DNA (by complementary base pairing). It takes 1 minute and requires a temperature of 55°C.

Synthesis in which primers are extended by joining complementary bases to DNA. It takes 2 minutes and requires a temperature of 75°C.

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