• Anatomic, functional, surgical sectors of lung with each segment aerated by Segmental/Tertiary Bronchus.
  • Each segment has a tertiary bronchus, segmental artery, lymph vessels & autonomicnerves but segmental veins lie in the connective tissue b/w adjacent BPS.
  • Thus one segment is drained by more than one vein & one vein drains more than one segment.

1) Knowledge of bronchopulmonary segments(BPS) essential for precise interpretation of radiographs or other lung images.

2) Surgical: tumors or abscesses tend to localize in the BPS & may require surgical intervention.

A diseased Segment can be removed surgically. The Surgeon works along the segmental veins to isolate a particular segment & carry out Segmentectomy/Segment Removal.

3) Aspiration: a) Supine position : Superior Segment of Lower Lobe

                         b) Standing position : Posterior Basal Segment of Lower Lobe of Right Lung

4) TB : Apical & Posterior segments of upper lobes d/t high ventilation perfusion ratio with elevated alveolar pO2 w.r.t other zones.

5) Cancerous lesion : Anterior segment of Right Upper Lobe

6) Lung Abscess : Posterior segment if upper lobe is involved. Superior, Posterior Basal Segment of Lower Lobe. Especially on Right Lung because of more vertical bronchus.

7) Bronchoscopy

8) Infections never cross Intersegmental Septa & are restricted to one BPS except TB & Cancer.

9) At Carina (Trachea divides into 2 bronchi) Right Bronchus is tngulated  at 25° & Left Bronchus at 45°.

-Dharmin Doshi

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