Enal Pravara topper

I prefer during exams to not copy from phones or chits because that will not give you the confidence of writing an exam later.

Enal Prafull Porwal

Pravara Institute of medical sciences

summer 2016

II YEAR Topper

1.Congratulations on achieving such an amazing feat.   Tell  us  a  bit  about  yourself. Please  also  tell  us  your individual  marks  in  each subject.

1. First of all Thank you so much for your wishes..!!

Myself Enal Prafull Porwal studying in Pravara  Institute of Medical Sciences, resident of Shirdi.

My individual marks are

Pharmacology – 125/200

Pathology and Microbiology – 139/200

Dental Material Science – 134/200

Prosthodontics practical preclinical – 63/100

Conservative practical  preclinical – 62/199

2.So, when all of  this  is  new  and the  rest  of  us  are  still  busy  figuring the  head and tail  of  the  subject,  how  did you tackle  and master  the  syllabus?

2. Yes, that’s really true, whenever we enter new year of the course, new subjects, new books really put us in depression but the main thing is start reading the books slowly and with concentration so you get the thing in one go. No need of reading it 10-10 times.

And take one subject at a time, don’t get confused with other subjects.

3.Did you have  a  set  schedule, a time  table  that  you stuck to?  What  were  the  daily  hours  that  you put in self study  ?

3. I didn’t have like a proper time table type schedule, just used to decide that I have to complete this much today. And I had no such study hours, I used to study mostly at evening or at night as I am very lazy to get up in the morning :p

4.Did you have  a  different  methodology  of  tackling  the  subjects?  Any  special  notes  that  you prepared?

4 .I am very bad at making notes so I used to highlight the important text in the book itself.

And I like referring different books for the subject so I used to stick notes in the textbook if there was any extra information from other books.

5.Do you have any  special  pointers  for  specific  subjects?  The  do’s  and don’ts  of  it?

5 . I think the best way to study pharmacology is mnemonics and writing the classification and rewriting it without seeing.

Pathology is like taking the points out and either making notes or learning directly from the book. I also had made flow charts which made it easy to learn. It is not a subject of ratta, it is like if we read it properly we will get the text immediately.


“I think one should not scribble and write spaciously in neat handwriting as presentation matters !



6.Was there  any  help  that  you acquired while  exam  preparation?  Like  any  visual  aids  any  professional guidance?  Or  those  little  tit  bits  that  the  professors  tell  us  but  none  other than the  toppers  pay  attention to? Please  share  with us.

6.Yes. Of course the demonstration for prostho and cons was amazing for us given by our professors but still youtube videos can help you if you didn’t get the thing in one go. I too have watched those videos for some extra knowledge: p

7.How vital  is  the  Question bank during  exams?  Does  it  come  highly  recommended  or  you advice  thorough reading  of  the  text  and having confound knowledge  of  the  subject?

7. Question bank is of utmost important as it helps us to know the important topics for the exam but as far as knowledge of subject is concerned one should really read the text thoroughly and should read the question bank only before exams.

8.How do you propose  the  students study and what kind  of  discipline  should be  followed during  exam  time?

8.It is our duty to study but one should have proper sleep, diet, enjoyment and fun. I study daily but I also watch TV for an hour without which I can’t survive I guess :p

And I prefer during exams to not copy from phones or chits because that will not give you the confidence of writing an exam later.

So whatever we have studied should be written so that we know our real score and can improve if needed in further exams.

9.Could you give  some  important  pointers  on  Exam  writing skills?  And also  how  should  one  prepare  for  a practical  exam?

9.I think one should not scribble and write spaciously in neat handwriting as presentation matters !

Practical exam is like we have to practice during regular practical timings. Once we get a hold of it, there is no any problem during the exam and should keenly listen to the teachers when they give us some hint or any information about practical exams.

10.Any special  tricks  and tacts  for  the  students  of  your  college  who  would be  reading this?

10. Hehehe…I just want to tell that be prepared for the worst …good will surely come.

11.So, do you have  any  parting thoughts?  Like  disclosing that  secret  mantra  that  you  chanted  or  that  special brand of  energy  drink  you savoured?  Just kidding.  Seriously  though, anything at  all?

11.Nothing like that but I do believe in prayers.

But one thing I would like to tell that listen to the instincts that your heart gives you ..for my case they are always correct :p

My marksheet

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