The Pride being Physio!

“Why didn’t you take MBBS if you wanted to anyways be in Medical field?” asked my friends

“Why don’t you become a lawyer like your Dad?” asked my relatives

And I never had one answer. Because I have multiple purposes to be in this field! Before letting you all know the answers to why I love being in Physiotherapy field, I would like to tell you all my real life story.

Around 11 years back in 2006 , during my childhood,my Father had witnessed a local train bomb blast. The blast occurred in the same compartment he was in. He went through first aid and surgeries in hospital. And out of the 3-4 people who survived, my dad was one of them! Being a fifth standard kid who had never ever been to hospital and who had no clue why dad hasn’t returned home for a week, first time went to visit him. After a few days stay, he got discharged from hospital. Returning home, his medications were still going on but I used to observe , that there was this one guy who used to come home and give some exercises to Dad. I never saw him in white coat, never saw him with a stethoscope around his neck but still all used to call him ‘doctor’. I remember him very well!

After my 12th exams when I was supposed to make a ‘career building’ decision, I got to know about Physiotherapy and the entire incident just went through like a Flashback. Even today my dad remembers that physiotherapist. He might have forgotten the surgeon’s name but he still remembers the physiotherapist’s name as physios are the ones who spend the maximum time with their patients. That’s when I took the decision of becoming physiotherapist! Today when I treat patients, I always remember how efficiently that physiotherapist had treated my Dad and these patients too are someones’ Parents, Children, Grandparents, Friends. And it’s my responsibility to treat them well and get back to their functions.

As said “A surgeon gives life to the patient, but a physiotherapist makes that life worth living”.

Many people have still never understood who are Physiotherapists? What do they exactly do? In fact, physiotherapy is a field which has its domain almost everywhere. A typical mentality of a human is ‘If I’m ill or if I have any pain , I shall visit a doctor’. But why not follow the ancient words of wisdom which say ‘Prevention is better than Cure’. People need to understand that just because I do not have any disease or disorder , doesn’t mean I’m healthy!

Long hours of sitting in wrong postures during office work- Physios shall prevent the future likely to occur disorder.

Pain, unable to walk due to arthritis- Physios shall relieve the pain and get you back to your activities.

Weakness due to paralysis- Physios shall get your strength back.

Exhaling difficulties due to respiratory disorders- Physios shall help you breathing efficiently too!

No movement after surgery- Physios shall get you back on your feet!


Natasha Tungare

Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Pune

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