Dhananjay Patel Mimer mc topper

     Try to read when your mind is fresh

Dhananjay Patel

MIMER Medical College


1.Congratulations on achieving such an amazing feat. Tell us a bit about yourself. Please also tell us your individual marks in each subject.

Dhananjay Patel.FromPANVEL.Final year MBBS student. MIMER MEDICAL.

PSM : 146/200

Ophthal : 81/100

ENT : 80/100


2.So, when all of this is new and the rest of us are still busy figuring the head and tail of the subject,how did you tackle and master the syllabus?

Easy. Start early and take interest in whatyou aredoing.Initially it’s boring but after you get into the subject it starts to get more interesting.Andyou start correlating stuff.


3.Did you have a set schedule, a time table that you stuck to? What were the daily hours that you put in self study ?

I didn’t have but its better to have a schedule that you can stick to.

And as for the daily hoursI used to complete the particular topic or section of it.

4.Is there any particular way in which you study or any special notes that you make? Maybe a different approach than what students normally do?

I usually don’t make notes but if its bit complicated thenI used to write important points

No different approach just understand the topic.



5.Do you have any tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of it? How do you manage to keep yourself motivated when studies start taking a toll on you? Are there any ‘distractions’ that actually help you in the process?

Try to read when your mind is fresh.

And get enough sleep at least 8 hours.

 6.Also how important do you think is attending lecrures in college? Considering half of the students are either busy on their phones or sleeping, does it really help?

If you’re attentive and really want to attend then only it’s worth.

 7.Was there any help that you acquired while preparing for the exams? Like any visual aids any professional guidance? Or those little tit bits that the professors tell us but none other than the toppers pay attention to? Please share with us.

You should take guidance from professor and seniors

That’s it

During exam try and cover as many topics as you can but with sufficient sleep and nutrition. Don’t overexert.

8.How vital is the Question Bank during exams? Does it come highly recommended or you advice thorough reading of the text and having confound knowledge of the subject?

During the exam question banks are enough

But you should  read the text for better understanding usually during normal days.


9.Could you suggest a method of studying or kind of discipline that should be followed during exam time?

During exam try and cover as many topics as you can but with sufficient sleep and nutrition

Don’t overexert


10.What do you do to keep yourself kinda stress free? Go for a swim, go for a walk or just wiggle under the blanket and fall asleep or what?

Sleep best option


11.Are you involved in any extracurricular activities, be it sports, cultural or academics? How do you manage it along with your routine academics?

I like playing sports.I usually participate in sports and dance ,it usually affects the studiesand daily routine but it’s ok for like 15 days in plexus.



12.Could you give some important pointers on Exam writing skills? And also how should one prepare for a practical exam? Any special tips for the people of your college who would be reading this?

Just write point wise. Don’t fill the pages with useless information

For practical exam you have to attend clinics regularly because practical is not a one day thing

13.What is the one major thing that you would like to change in today’s curriculum?

I would like to decrease the duration of  2nd year to 1 year and increase final year to 1.5 years

I would like to decrease the duration of time in college we spend

Like it should be from 7:30 to 1:30

14.So, do you have any parting thoughts? Like disclosing that secret mantra that you chanted or that special brand of energy drink you savored? Just kidding. Seriously though. Anything at all?

No secret just understand the topic

Be honest with yourself and have confidence  in yourself


Interviewed By- Dharmin Doshi & Shivani Indrekar

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