Kinjal Andrade Mimer mc topper

           My aim has always been to know “ something of everything.”

Kinjal Andrade

MIMER Medical College

II YEAR Topper

1.Congratulations on achieving such an amazing feat. Tell us a bit about yourself. Please also tell us your individual marks in each subject.

I’m Kinjal Andrade from 3rd minor Mbbs studying in MIMER medical college.








2.So, when all of this is new and the rest of us are still busy figuring the head and tail of the subject, how did you tackle and master the syllabus?

Honestly at the start of 1st Year, I was pretty lost and disoriented but I always made it a point to ATLEAST read one page of some subject in those days of uncertainty.

3.Did you have a set schedule, a time table that you stuck to? What were the daily hours that you put in self-study?

’m not a time-table person.But I made it a point to revise the topics taught in the classroom in a weeks time.The greater the backlog, the higher the stress levels during exams.Also any unwanted calamities before exams like I underwent a foot surgery few days prior to my 2nd year university Exams, so the backup study always helps.

4.Is there any particular way in which you study or any special notes that you make? Maybe a different approach that what students normally do?

I make up these charts or flow diagrams of important ,difficult and volatile topics(For example Clotting factors)and put it on my hostel wall beside the bed.

5.Do you have tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of it? How do you manage to keep yourself motivated when studies start taking a toll on you?Are there any ‘distractions’ that actually help you in the process?

My aim has always been to know “ something of everything.”


-Always give the class tests arranged in the first years even if underprepared ,it really helps.

-Studying for tutorials works as you read up those topics that are super important from university point of view and helps you jot the additional information professors give.


-Do not compare yourself with someone else.Stay true to your own pace.

-Do not hesitate to ask for help if you find some topic difficult.I would hate anatomy and so on days of total breakdown, I would just sit and hear what my friends had studied,it helped a lot.

6.Also how important do you think is attending lectures in college? Considering half of the students are either busy on thier phones or sleeping, does it really help?

Yes, lectures are volatile and you definitely don’t recall  all that is said.But hearing a topic once makes it so much easier to read and understand from standard textbooks.

Writing and making notes from the presentations is also a great habit.

7.Was there any help you required while preparing for the exams? Like any visual aids any professional guidance? Or those little tit bits that the professors tell us but none other than the toppers pay attention to? Please share with us.

If I would find a topic difficult to visualize, videos on YouTube are really helpful. Subject PDFs are also very handy.

                                          They say “it’s hard work but I believe it’s smart work.                                  

8.How vital is the Question Bank during exams? Does it come highly recommended or you advice thorough reading of the text and having confound knowledge of the subject?

Yes they say “it’s hard work but I believe it’s smart work.”

While appearing for university, question banks are a saving grace because revising and remembering everything is a very difficult task.

But obviously if you have the knowledge of the subject, odd questions can be tackled.

9.Could you suggest a method of studying or kind of discipline that should be followed during exam time?

Start with the most important and likely topics first.

Then move on to topics that you find difficult

Keep the easiest and the recently revised ones last.

AND DO GET ENOUGH SLEEP, it’s must for better recollection.

10.What do you do to keep yourself stress free? Go for a swim, go for a walk or just wiggle under the blanket and fall asleep or what?

I can never sleep in stressful situations , so music, good books apart from medical ones,Tv shows  and a walk around works.

11.Are you involved in any extracurricular activities, be it sports, cultural or academics? How do you manage it along with your routine academics?

Yes apart from sports which isn’t really my cup of tea.Basically second year is pretty long and you get sufficient time.

Involve yourself in the first start months and keep the last 2 months before exams for vigorous preparation.

12.Could you give some important pointers on exam writing skills? And also how should one prepare for a practical exam? Any special tips for the people of your college who would be reading this?

I always make it a point to attempt all the questions unless I legit can’t remember a single point of the topic. Knowing “something of everything” works because in times of oddly set questions you can always elaborate on the little you know.

Do not waste a lot of time on long questions and leave the short ones due to lack of time.It weighs heavily on the marks.

If the theory base is strong , practical exams are pretty okay.

Always establish a good rapport with the college professors, attend your scheduled practicals and final practical revisions for the tips given then are the MOST needed and important ones.

13.What is the one major thing that you would like to change in today’s curriculum?

There are plenty of drawbacks, the major one is it focuses on making us more mugging bugs than conceptual masters.But you can always work on building your concepts by visiting the wards, reading up articles and research papers,latest information,attending workshops in the leisure time.

The system also expects us to have knowledge about some things that in practice are obsolete today which is just time consuming.

14.So do you have any parting thoughts? Like disclosing that secret mantra that you chanted or that special brand of energy drink you savored? Just kidding, Seriously though. Anything at all?

Believe in your abilities, if you have made it to the medical college you are going to sail through these 4 and half years.

The sail can be stormy but you can always have friends, family and professors as a support system.

But most importantly mould yourself to face any adversity because this is one bumpy ride but it will be worth it.


Interviewed By- Dharmin Doshi & Shivani Indrekar


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