What is iMedscholar?

iMedscholar is a social enterprise by a community of medical students who collaborate to create online courses and content for medical students.

What does it have in it for me if i am a medstudent?

A)We have an ever growing library of content, academic and otherwise curated for medical students.
B)You can also join the iMedscholar community which has students from various streams, states and academic stages so there is a lot to learn and grow.

Is it a paid service? Will i be asked to pay later if i join now ?

The content as well as the membership of the community is and will always be freethere are no hidden charges. The motive was to create a free and enriching open platform for students to learn and grow.

Who funds iMedScholar? Is this an NGO?

We currently have no fundings or donations from external sources. The expenses are managed by the founders. iMedscholar is not an NGO, it’s a social enterprise, privately owned by the founders.

I love this initiative. How can i contribute to it?

A) If you have created content which is helpful for medical students you can contribute to the Open Blog.
B) You can join our iMedscholar community and sharpen your skills in various sections like administration, marketing, web designing and consequently help our fellow medicos.

If i spot some defects in the website, to whom should i report?

Thank you for helping us improve. You can mail it to tech@imedscholar.com and we will make sure it is corrected.

What was the motive of starting iMedScholar?

A) To create an alternative free learning platform for medical students which by the virtue of technology can be constantly updated and modeled to best suit the students.
B) To help medical students get trained in various behavioral skills such as communication, team work, leadership, etc and hence grow up to be a better doctor and person.

What else apart from the exam stuff is available on the website?

We are starting with 7 categories of content which can be accessed through our home page and would be very soon integrating sections such as Research, Doctors beyond medicine, etc thus focusing on all round development of students.