Westermark sign (hyperlucent area due to oligemia)  Hampton hump (wedge shaped opacity)  Fleishner sign (enlarged pulmonary artery)  Palla’s sign ( dilated right descending pulmonary artery)  Knuckle or sausage sign Melting sign Elevated hemidiaphragm McConnell’s sign (Echocardiography- hypokinesis of right ventricular free wall)  Related articles: Embolism

Download the PDF for Shock by clicking the link below – Notes made by Nikita Balani We hope it helps you!

Download the PDF for Embolism by clicking the link below – Notes made by Nikita Balani We hope it helps you!

Leprosy work isn’t merely medical relief; it is transforming frustration of life into joy of dedication, personal ambition into selfless service ~ MAHATMA GANDHI COMPONENTS 1. Integrated leprosy services via primary health care2. Capacity building of all general health functionaries3. Intensified information, education and communication4. DPMR services(disability prevention and medical rehabilitation)5. Monitoring and supervision INITIATIVES …

National Leprosy Eradication Programme Read More »

Hydropneumothorax is defined as condition in which both air and fluid are present in the pleural cavity. Causes of Hydropneumothorax 1. Trauma 2. Presence of gas forming organisms (Infection) 3. Introduction of air during pleural fluid aspiration in pleural effusion 4. Obstructive lung disease 5. Cystic lung disease 6. Malignancy Clinical findings of Hydropneumothorax Inspection …

Hydropneumothorax Read More »

Clubbing is defined as selective bulbous enlargement of the distal segment of a digit due to an increase in soft tissue. Mechanisms responsible for clubbing: 1. Humoral theory states that an unidentified humoral substance causes dilatation of the blood vessels of the finger tip. 2. Persistent hypoxia causes opening up of the deep arteriovenous fistulae …

Digital Clubbing Read More »

Abdomen examination forms a crucial part of Medicine practical examination. It will help you in cases of Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Ascites, Jaundice and other cases of abdominal region. History – Fever, loss of weight, fatigue, lassitude.-Gastrointestinal symptoms: dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, altered bowel movement, jaundice.– Renal symptoms: oliguria, history of renal failure.-History of diabetes, hypertension.-History of ascites, …

Abdomen Examination (Medicine Viva Practicals) Read More »

History  Sudden onset or rapidly progressive dyspnoea. Ipsilateral acute pleuritic pain – the pain is either sharp or a steady ache. A small pneumothorax may be asymptomatic.  Obtain history of recent pleural aspiration or insertion of subclavian line (J R Soc Med 1997: 90: 319-21), recent surgery to head and neck, abdominal procedures using bowel …

Pneumothorax (Medicine practical examination) Read More »