View this post on Instagram A post shared by imedscholar (@imedscholar_official) Intermittent claudication is a clinical symptom of pain in the lower limbs brought on by walking, and relieved by rest. Causes–Atherosclerosis-Cauda Equina, Arachnoiditis, Lumbar stenosis-Hyperviscosity of blood= Polycythemia, Leukemia, Increased plasma protein concentration. How to get Relief?Arterial cause- Standing still for a few minutesVenous …

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Brachial Plexus is a network of nerves in the shoulder which is responsible for sensory and motor activity of the upper extremity.  It is covered by the axillary sheath which is an extension of prevertebral fascia. Brachial plexus includes Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords and Branches. We can remember these from the mnemonic RT (Arti) Drinks …

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ORIGIN: lateral condyle of femur and lateral meniscus. INSERTION: posterior surface of tibia, into the medial two-thirds of the triangular area above the soleal line. MNEMONIC: numbers popped (popliteus) from the little dial(lateral condyle) of the phone(femur) kept on the table(tibia). NERVE SUPPLY: tibial nerve ACTIONS: The popliteus muscle is involved in two main movements of …

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The sartorius is the muscle of the anterior compartment of the thigh and is the longest muscle in the body. ORIGIN: anterior superior iliac spine(ASIS) INSERTION: upper part of medial surface of tibia. MNEMONIC: A SIS sits on the table(tibia). NERVE SUPPLY: Femoral nerve. ACTIONS: Abductor, lateral rotator of thigh and flexor of leg. The …

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Introduction Middle Ear is an air-filled, mucous membrane lined space in the Petrous Temporal bone, between the internal and external ear. It is also called the Tympanic cavity/ Tympanum. Subdivided into- 1-Tympanic cavity proper-opposite the tympanic membrane 2-Epitympanic recess-above the level of tympanic membrane Shape Like a cube compressed from side to side, with large …

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The Fascial layers of the neck (cervical fascia) can be divided into two parts: Superficial cervical fascia Deep cervical fascia SUPERFICIAL CERVICAL FASCIA This later is the superficial (outer) layer is between Dermis and Deep cervical fascia.Structures in the superficial fascia are: Platysma muscle Superficial veins (example- external jugular vein) Cutaneous neurovascular supply Superficial lymph …

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I Olfactory II Optic III Occulomotor IV Trochlear V Trigeminal VI Abducent VII Facial VIII Auditory IX Glossophharyngeal X Vagus XI Spinal Accessory XII  Hypogossal    -Zareen Shafqat

CONTENTS Position of right atrium External features Internal features POSITION It is the upper right chamber of heart. It forms the right border, upper border, the sternocostal surface & base of heart. EXTERNAL FEATURES The chamber is elongated vertically. Receives superior vena cava at upper end & inferior vena cava at lower end. Upper end …

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