Rajiv Keni Mimer mc topper

      Never followed a timetable in my life.But when I used to sit I could sit with one subject at a stretch of 8 hrs.

Rajiv Keni

MIMER Medical College

IV YEAR Topper

1.Congratulations on achieving such an amazing feat. Tell us a bit about yourself. Please also tell us your individual marks in each subject.

Rajiv Keni. MIMER MEDICAL. Current intern.

Medicine : 209/300

Surgery : 211/300

OBGY : 137/200

Paeds : 73/100

I  can’t really say anything about myself but my friends called me a huge narcissist since first year.

2.So, when all of this is new and the rest of us are still busy figuring the head and tail of the subject,how did you tackle and master the syllabus?

I m from the same lot as other MBBS students trying to figure the head and tail of the subjects. I might have been lucky to have figured it out little soon.

3.Did you have a set schedule, a time table that you stuck to? What were the daily hours that you put in self study ?

Never followed a timetable in my life.But when I used to sit I could sit with one subject at a stretch of 8 hrs.

4.Is there any particular way in which you study or any special notes that you make? Maybe a different approach than what students normally do?

Never made notes.I scribble in the book itself.So in my next revision I only read the scribbling.


5.Do you have any tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of it? How do you manage to keep yourself motivated when studies start taking a toll on you? Are there any ‘distractions’ that actually help you in the process?

I do have a secret driving force which I won’t reveal.But I will only tell every person to have such driving force rather a defined purpose to what you do.

6.Also how important do you think is attending lecrures in college? Considering half of the students are either busy on their phones or sleeping, does it really help?

Attending lectures is as per everyone’s preference.

 7.Was there any help that you acquired while preparing for the exams? Like any visual aids any professional guidance? Or those little tit bits that the professors tell us but none other than the toppers pay attention to? Please share with us.

I used to pick up subjects that I liked first.Then I used give a designated time to others I wanted to cover and made sure that I covered it in that time.Other than that seniors ki baate thodi sun lo.”

To be a part of medical fraternity is as good as being a part of army.There’s no running away from discipline in our field. 

8.How vital is the Question Bank during exams? Does it come highly recommended or you advice thorough reading of the text and having confound knowledge of the subject?

Was never really a question bank person.I basically read everything.


9.Could you suggest a method of studying or kind of discipline that should be followed during exam time?

To be a part of medical fraternity is as good as being a part of army. If you have to wake up at 6? You just have to. There’s no running away from discipline in our field. We can’t go rogue.

10.What do you do to keep yourself kinda stress free? Go for a swim, go for a walk or just wiggle under the blanket and fall asleep or what?

Honestly I went for a movie 3 days before final year theory and two days before practicals.University exams. Basically find your stressors and relieve them in whichever way you are comfortable.


11.Are you involved in any extracurricular activities, be it sports, cultural or academics? How do you manage it along with your routine academics?

Oh I love playing football and sketching.They basically act as stress relievers.


12.Could you give some important pointers on Exam writing skills? And also how should one prepare for a practical exam? Any special tips for the people of your college who would be reading this?

Well exam writing is that every day advice ‘time management’.Some answers require only a few minutes while some as max as 45 mins.Know your time you spend.

For practicals attend your clinics and make sure you have taken enough cases to get you through the exam.Know your basics.Don’t screw them.

13.What is the one major thing that you would like to change in today’s curriculum?

Make MBBS practical.Reduce theory to minimum.

As in from exam point. Every student should be judged on his/her practical skills.

 14.So, do you have any parting thoughts? Like disclosing that secret mantra that you chanted or that special brand of energy drink you savored? Just kidding. Seriously though. Anything at all?

Secret mantra??Hehe

Life mai thoda tension hona chahiye.Mbbs practicals are enough to make you hallucinate,cry,laugh but in the end you get through if you really wanted to feel tension free.


Interviewed By- Dharmin Doshi & Shivani Indrekar

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