Aakar topper Ltmmc

You should only concentrate on revising what you know during the exams and not try to learn new things that might confuse you.

Aakar Prabhu

Lokmanya Tilak Medical College, Sion ​

summer 2017

I YEAR Topper

1.Congratulations on achieving such an amazing feat. Tell us a bit about yourself. Please also tell us your individual marks in each subject.

1.My name is Aakar and I’m a 1st year MBBS student

2.So, when all of this is new and the rest of us are still busy figuring the head and tail of the subject,how did you tackle and master the syllabus? 

2.Regular reading and being attentive in class helped me a lot.


3.Did you have a set schedule, a time table that you stuck to? What were the daily hours that you put in self study ?

3.I have no fixed timetable, but I make it a point to atleast study for 2 hrs daily.


4.Is there any particular way in which you study or any special notes that you make? Maybe a different approach than what students normally do?

4.The notes which I make in class, help me remember a bit while making them. And then I just try to understand the thing rather than by hearting it. But yeah, you do have to byheart some facts.


5.Do you have any tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of it? How do you manage to keep yourself motivated when studies start taking a toll on you? Are there any ‘distractions’ that actually help you in the process?

5.Try to keep your eyes and brain open in the lectures even if the teacher or the topic is boring. And keep thinking of what you wanna do ahead or watch a TV series that is like medicine related, it will definitely keep you motivated. But don’t get addicted to it though.


6.Also how important do you think is attending lectures in college? Considering half of the students are either busy on their phones or sleeping, does it really help?

6.Attending lectures Is somewhat important cause many a times you get to know what isn’t in the textbooks or is in one of the textbooks but you don’t have time to refer them all.


7.Was there any help that you acquired while preparing for the exams? Like any visual aids any professional guidance? Or those little tit bits that the professors tell us but none other than the toppers pay attention to? Please share with us.

7.I ask all my Doubts to the respective professors, so that helps me clear my concept. And even if you don’t understand something there are a million videos on YouTube that will definitely help us get it.

“Incorporate clinical exposure right from the 1st year. What we see is what we learn!

8.How vital is the Question Bank during exams? Does it come highly recommended or you advice thorough reading of the text and having confound knowledge of the subject?

8.Question bank is like a last minute revision. If you know all the concepts nicely, question bank just helps you to build your answer in your mind. So only after having confound knowledge the question bank is useful.



9.Could you suggest a method of studying or kind of discipline that should be followed during exam time?

9.You should only concentrate on revising what you know during the exams and not try to learn new things that might confuse you.


10.What do you do to keep yourself kinda stress free? Go for a swim, go for a walk or just wiggle under the blanket and fall asleep or what?

10.If I’m very tired after college then my bed is the place to go. Otherwise I run and cycle. This keeps me stress free.


11.Are you involved in any extracurricular activities, be it sports, cultural or academics? How do you manage it along with your routine academics?

  1. I like going for quizes. Many a times it does clash with some or the other exam but still its good if you can manage it all.


12.Could you give some important pointers on Exam writing skills? And also how should one prepare for a practical exam? Any special tips for the people of your college who would be reading this?

  1. Try to write in points and not in paragraphs. And be more illustrative in your diagrams.In practicals reading the journal thoroughly helps a lot.


13.What is the one major thing that you would like to change in today’s curriculum?

  1. Incorporating clinical exposure right from the 1st year. What we see is what we learn!


14.So, do you have any parting thoughts? Like disclosing that secret mantra that you chanted or that special brand of energy drink you savored? Just kidding. Seriously though. Anything at all?

     14. None.


Interviewed By – Pratik Agarwal (IMEDSCHOLAR College representative-LTMMC)

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