Saumya Mishra MGM aurangabad Topper


Saumya Mishra
1. Thanks!! I’m Saumya Mishra, belonging to this little town bareilly up in the north and just a regular guy
fortunately i did scored well in first year university xams
i scored 74.8 percent in all.
151 each in anat and physio. 147 in biochem, out of 200.
2.well it was as new for me as it was for anyone out there
and once you r in the college theres no way out other than through it
i aint a very studious guy. I’d just pay attention to what was being taught in class and took down notes
3. Usually after getting back from college i take a nap and with a mug of coffee would go through the anatomy part, whatever was taught that day
then was the dinner and masti with frnds
would sit again with books by 11 and go through physio and biochem part of the day
I’d hit the bed by 1 am
I’m one of those night owls!
hate getting up early morning to study
Usually it was about 2 to 3 hours
sometimes a “no books day” was there
4. On first reading I’d just focus on clearing up doubts
be it any subject
learning was done afterwards
I’d usually stick to the prescribed books but would occasionally go through books like guyton or Gray’s if the need be for a topic.
mostly i kept my class notes complete but would scribble notes while reading back in my room
5. yepp there are
anatomy- try to understand instead of mindlessly mugging up
practice diagrams as much as you can
physio- well thats just mechanics of body, no rocket science there
flowcharts are a big help in physio
biochem-seems a dry subject but i think its the easiest one. again no other way to remember apart from writing down pathways
6.All this achievement i got is owed to Gautam Shroff sir, hod anatomy. his guidance was and still is behind everything. he’d occasionally advice on important and interesting topics and would lend his own books to go through
7. Honestly ive never went through question bank in mbbs 1. id rather prefer gaining knowledge as Shroff sir would say marks are just a gatepass, knowledge is what makes u a skilled doctor.
8. on first reading the focus should be on clearing the doubts, and in xams practising of diagrams and flowcharts should be priority
and yeah one you shouldn’t make yourself secluded from the world in xams
i didnt kept my phone away
primarily cuz it was an aid for quick searches, also for breaktime songs amd little chatting with friends ?
and knowing and learning new things is always fun!!
9. time management is something crucial as we got little time
try being to the point and instead of writing paragraphs and essays, you must write the answer in points
and if you got less time in anatomy then try putting more diagrams and less of text, and yeah dont be scared of histo and embryo
theyre easy and scoring,  you just gotta put little brain! try seeing histo slides as often as possible. for practical exams logics are more important than bookish knowledge
be attentive in practicals they may not be repeated.
you decide the path of viva so dont utter things you dont know much about.
10. first thing dont just blindly trust seniors. though no wonder theyre helpful. and sembulingam is not called “sembu the saviour” for no reason
its worth it ?
11. being a caffiene addict coffee did kept me going in xams
rest all I’d say is course is vast but is easy so dont panic just keep swimming and you’d cross it successfully…

INTERVIEWER: Ananya Mathur

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