Prajakta Joshi Govt dental college mumbai topper

1.Congratulations on achieving such an amazing feat.   Tell  us  a  bit  about  yourself. Please  also  tell  us  your individual  marks  in  each subject.

1)Prajakta Joshi- Govt Dental College, Mumbai.

2.So, when all of  this  is  new  and the  rest  of  us  are  still  busy  figuring the  head and tail  of  the  subject,  how  did you tackle  and master  the  syllabus?

2) No doubt the syllabus is vast and it is true that one cannot master any subject in such a short span of time. But we can try to acquaint ourselves with the subjects.

3.Did you have  a  set  schedule, a time  table  that  you stuck to?  What  were  the  daily  hours  that  you put in self study  ?

3) There was no specific time table that I followed and the hours never matter and it is the amount of knowledge that you grab that matters.

4.Did you have  a  different  methodology  of  tackling  the  subjects?  Any  special  notes  that  you prepared?

4)No special methodology but the notes that you make for yourself is the best way to learn and revise.

5.Do you have any  special  pointers  for  specific  subjects?  The  do’s  and don’ts  of  it?

5)I don’t have any special pointers as such.

6.Was there  any  help  that  you acquired while  exam  preparation?  Like  any  visual  aids  any  professional guidance?  Or  those  little  tit  bits  that  the  professors  tell  us  but  none  other than the  toppers  pay  attention to? Please  share  with us.

6)Professors and friends always keep on updating us with all sort of information and it is important for us to listen to them.
Discussion with friends is an amazing way to learn and remember and a way to avoid mistakes.

7.How vital  is  the  Question bank during  exams?  Does  it  come  highly  recommended  or  you advice  thorough reading  of  the  text  and having confound knowledge  of  the  subject?

7)Question banks are useful and they mostly cover whole of the text but it is well and good if you read the whole text.

8.Could you give  some  important  pointers  on  Exam  writing skills?  And also  how  should  one  prepare  for  a practical  exam?

8)It helps if we write the paper neatly using a legible handwriting.

9.Any special  tricks  and tacts  for  the  students  of  your  college  who  would be  reading this?

9)No special tricks.


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