Psychiatry ppt

Anxiety in Teenagers for Educators (CSMH)

Anxiety in Teenagers for a General Audience (CSMH)

Anxiety Disorders Overview (CSMH)

Anxiety Practice Elements (CSMH)

Best Practices for the Treatment of Child Anxiety (JHU)

Anger Management (CSMH)

ADHD Practice Elements (CSMH)

Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatment of ADHD (CSMH)

Communicating with Students to Increase Academic Success (CSMH)

Depression Practice Elements (CSMH)

Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatment of Depression (CSMH)

Enhancing Educator Training and Support (CSMH)

Helping Adolescents Deal With Peer Pressure (CSMH)

Mental Health 101 for Non-Mental Health Providers (CSMH & PGCPS)

School Counselors: Partners in Student Achievement (ASCA)

School Mental Health Overview: From Understanding to Action (NASP)

Self-Injury (Baltimore County Public Schools)

The IEP Process (CSMH)

The Use of Assessment Instruments in School Social Work (CSMH)

Disruptive Behavior Disorder (DBD)

DBD Practice Elements (CSMH)

Effective Strategies to Address Disruptive Behaviors (CSMH)

Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatment of DBD (CSMH)

Adolescent Development (CSMH)

For Educators

For Families

For a General Audience

Source and copyright:SchoolMentalHealth


SOURCE:The Carter Jenkins Center