- Tympanic branch
- Lingual branch
- Carotid branch
- Pharyngeal branch
- Tonsillar branch
- Muscular branch (to Stylopharyngeus)
Clinical Anatomy
- Lesion of IXth nerve causes : absence of parotid secretion, absence of taste from posterior 1/3rd of tongue and circumvallate papillae, loss of pain sensations from tongue, tonsils, pharynx and soft palate
- Glossopharyngeal neuralgia : short, sharp and severe attack of pain affecting posterior part of pharynx or tonsillar area
- Jugular foramen syndrome due to injury at jugular foramen resulting in multiple nerve palsies
- Clinical testing : GAG reflex, taste sensations on posterior tongue
- Pharyngitis causes referred pain in the ear due to same supply by IXth nerve (DD – Eustachian catarrh)
– Jainam Shah