Corpus Callosum

Corpus callosum

  • It is the connective pathway between the left and the right side of the brain.
  • It is responsible for transmitting neural messages between both the hemispheres
  • The corpus callosum sits in the centre of the brain, measures around 10 cm in length and is shaped like the letter C


  • It is the anterior end, lies 4 cm behind frontal pole
  • Relations:
    • Anteriorly-anterior cerebral arteries
    • Posteriorly-anterior horn of lateral ventricle.


  • Directed downwards and backwards from genu
  • Ends by joining lamina terminalis, in front of anterior commissure 
  • Relations:
    • Superiorly-anterior horn of lateral ventricle
    • Inferiorly-indusium griseum and longitudinal striae

3. Trunk

  •  Middle part between genu and splenium
  •   Forms roof of central part of lateral ventricle

  • Relations:
    •  Superior surface

      • anterior cerebral arteries

      • Lower border of falx cerebri

      • Overlapped by cingulate gyrus and covered by  Indusium griseum, longitudinal striae.

    • Inferior surface:

      • provides attachment to septum pellucidum, fornix


  •  Post. end (thickest part of cc), lies 6 cm in front of occipital pole
  • Relations
    •  Inferior surface

      • Tela choroidea of the third ventricle, the     pulvinar, the tectum, the pineal body

    • Superior surface

      • Inferior sagittal sinus and falx cerebri

    • Posteriorly

      • Great cerebral vein, straight sinus and free margin of tentorium cerebelli


  •  Connects orbital surfaces of two frontal lobes

 2.Forceps minor

  •  Made of fibres of genu
  • Connects two frontal lobes

3.Forceps major

  •  Made of fibres of splenium
  • Connects the two occipital lobes


  •  Made by some fibres from trunk and splenium
  • Forms the  roof and lateral wallof posterior horn and lateral wall of inferior horn of  lateral ventricle

Agenesis of corpus callosum

  • It is a congenital (lifelong) brain abnormality that occurs when the corpus callosum does not develop as it should during the early prenatal period.
  • It can occur as an isolated condition or in association with other brain abnormalities or physical or medical condition.

-Anuja Mandavkar

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