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Medicine mnemonics Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Mnemonic for Treatment of Acute pulmonary edema

Acute pulmonary edema is fluid buildup in the lungs. It is a medical emergency. It is usually caused due to…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Mnemonic for detoxification

Detoxification mainly takes place in the liver. The purpose is to convert foreign or toxic compounds to easily excretable or…
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Mnemonics Obstetrics and Gynaecology mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Drugs safe for treating hypertension in pregnancy

Better Mother Care During Hypertensive Pregnancy Better- beta blockers (labetalol and cardioselective) Mother- methyl dopa ( it is the preferred…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Side effects of Captopril

C- Cough A- Angioedema P- Proteinuria T- Taste disturbance and Teratogenic O- Others(fatigue and headache) P- Potassium increase R- Renal…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Uses of Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Glaucoma (angle closure) Alkalinisation of urine Mountain sickness Epilepsy
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Mnemonics Paediatrics mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Adverse effects of Phenytoin

We can remember the adverse effects of Phenytoin by the mnemonic- HOT MALIKA 😛 H- Hirsutism, Hypertrophy of gums O-…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Caution or contraindication for using Beta blockers in these conditions!

Remember these conditions by the mnemonic ABCDE A- Asthma B- Block (heart block) C- COPD D- Diabetes mellitus (because beta…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Side effects of Beta blockers

Remember the mnemonic- BALD FISH! Bronchoconstriction and Bradycardia Arrhythmias Lethargy Disturbance in glucose metabolism (Hypoglycemia) Fatigue Insomnia Sexual dysfunction Hypotension
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Examples of osmotic diuretics

MUG M- Mannitol U- Urea G- Glycerol
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Medicine mnemonics Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Adverse effects of Amiodarone

Mnemonic: The Periphery of My Lung Liver and Cornea is Photosensitive The- Thyroid (Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism) Periphery of – Peripheral…
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Medicine mnemonics Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Most common side effects of Aspirin

We can remember the most common side effects of Aspirin by the mnemonic – ASPIRIN. A- Asthma S- Salicylate toxicity…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Antiepeleptics Drugs Mnemonic

#Al Barbi and Benzo on New SHIP with GABA Aliphatic Carboxylic acid- valoproic acid Barbiturates- phenobarbitone, primidone Benzodiazepines- Diazepam, Lorazepam,…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Antianxiety Drugs Classification Mnemonic

Amitabh Bachhan has anxiety due to Abhishek Bachhan (AB,AB) Azopriones- Buspirone, Gepirone, Ispapirone Beta Blocker- Propranolol Antihistamine- Hydroxyzine Benzodiazepine- Diazepam,…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Drugs causing Nephrotoxicity

This is the mnemonic for the Antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals that cause nephrotoxicity: SIGMA Takes Good And Authentic Freak Cafe…
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