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Medicine mnemonics Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Mnemonic for Treatment of Acute pulmonary edema

Acute pulmonary edema is fluid buildup in the lungs. It is a medical emergency. It is usually caused due to…
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Mnemonics Psychiatry mnemonics

Schizophrenia- 4 A’s of Blueler

4 A’s of Blueler Autism- social withdrawal, excessive fantasy thinkingAmbivalence- inability to take decisionAffect flatteningAssociation disturbances- changing the topic without…
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Anatomy mnemonics Mnemonics

Mnemonic to remember branches of Brachial Plexus

In the brachial plexus, branches are given from the Roots, Upper trunk, Lateral cord, Medial cord and the Posterior cord….
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Anatomy mnemonics Mnemonics

Mnemonic to remember layers of Scalp- SCALP

S- SkinC- Connective tissueA- Aponeurosis (galea)L- Loose connective tissueP- Periosteum Related articles: Fascial layers of the neck and carotid sheath
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Anatomy mnemonics Medicine mnemonics Mnemonics

Horner’s Syndrome

Horner’s syndrome is caused because of damage to the cervical sympathetic system. It leads to signs and symptoms on the…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics

Cholesterol biosynthesis mnemonic

AAaaa HMP (Pentose) Pathway Is Difficult 😱, Go Forward and Study Liver’s Cholesterol ! A- Acetyl CoA A- Acetoacetyl CoA…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics

Synthesis of Ketone bodies

Hello guys! I have always found it difficult to remember cycles or pathways. So I thought of trying to make…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Mnemonic for detoxification

Detoxification mainly takes place in the liver. The purpose is to convert foreign or toxic compounds to easily excretable or…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) steps

PCR is a technique for generating large quantities of specified DNA. We doctors (DRs) should know the steps of Polymerase…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics

Remember vitamin B names

The Rhythm Nearly Proved Contagious Remember the vitamins in increasing order: Thiamine (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Niacin (B3) Pyridoxine (B6) Cobalamin…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics

Kreb’s cycle mnemonic

Do you find it difficult to remember the Kreb’s cycle? Don’t worry, here’s a way that could help you easily…
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Biochemistry mnemonics Mnemonics

Learn the 9 essential amino acids

If Learnt, This Valuable List May Prove Truly Helpful ! If- Isoleucine Learnt- Leucine This- Threonine List- Lysine May- Methionine…
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Anatomy mnemonics Mnemonics

Mnemonic to remember carpal bones

She Looks Too Pretty, Try To Catch Her! Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate The proximal row contains…
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Mnemonics Obstetrics and Gynaecology mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Drugs safe for treating hypertension in pregnancy

Better Mother Care During Hypertensive Pregnancy Better- beta blockers (labetalol and cardioselective) Mother- methyl dopa ( it is the preferred…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Side effects of Captopril

C- Cough A- Angioedema P- Proteinuria T- Taste disturbance and Teratogenic O- Others(fatigue and headache) P- Potassium increase R- Renal…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Uses of Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Glaucoma (angle closure) Alkalinisation of urine Mountain sickness Epilepsy
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Mnemonics Paediatrics mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Adverse effects of Phenytoin

We can remember the adverse effects of Phenytoin by the mnemonic- HOT MALIKA 😛 H- Hirsutism, Hypertrophy of gums O-…
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Medicine mnemonics Mnemonics

Management of atrial fibrillation

Mnemonic- ABCDE A- Anticoagulants ( to prevent embolisation) B- Beta blockers (to slow down the heart rate) C- Calcium channel…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Caution or contraindication for using Beta blockers in these conditions!

Remember these conditions by the mnemonic ABCDE A- Asthma B- Block (heart block) C- COPD D- Diabetes mellitus (because beta…
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Mnemonics Pharmacology mnemonics

Side effects of Beta blockers

Remember the mnemonic- BALD FISH! Bronchoconstriction and Bradycardia Arrhythmias Lethargy Disturbance in glucose metabolism (Hypoglycemia) Fatigue Insomnia Sexual dysfunction Hypotension
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