How to prepare for Periodontics Practical exams

How to prepare for Periodontics Practical exams

Next comes perio.

The Chunk of calculus is out and you are done!

♦ Patient requirements are very important in Perio.

♦ Always search for a periodontically involved patient, with relevant findings.

Example: Recession, Mobility, patients with sensitivity as chief complaint.

♦ Avoid patients with heavy tobacco stains, as it adds up to the poor presentation of your case in front of examiner.

♦ Try not to lacerate the gingiva during hand scaling, keep the area as clean as possible.

It becomes easier for the examiner to mark you better.

♦ Your viva will include all relevant findings present in the patient’s mouth, so examine well and identify them appropriately.

♦ When you get confused with fluorosis and hypoplasia, the regional history will clear out the confusion.

♦ Always check for TFO whenever you see attrition and facets.

♦ Avoid choosing patients with heavy calculus, as it becomes difficult to time yourself even though you might get a small quadrant to scale!

♦ Be thorough with brushing techniques and their demonstration.

♦ Remember, all you’ve got to do is neatly remove the calculus and make your case presentable!



YMT, Dental College, Navi Mumbai

Noora Pathan has been the final year topper and consistent MUHS rank holder. Besides dentistry, she likes to snuggle in with her novels or devour falafels with hummus.

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