How to prepare for Orthodontics Practical exams

How to prepare for Orthodontics Practical exams

Moving on to the non-clinical exam – ORTHO

TWIST …. TURN…but somehow ADAPT !

♦ Yes, the exam is about bending the given wire in the given time, and adapt it well to the cast.

♦ Commonly followed trend is having ADAMS, LABIAL BOW and one of the springs or retractors.

♦ Springs and retractors should not take you more than 5 minutes. 10 minutes for Adams, and the remaining time you can spend on labial bow and model analysis.

♦ Start with springs/ retractors, followed by Adams clasp and labial bow. This is because labial bow adaptation takes relatively more time.

♦ Do proper calculations for model analysis, always observe the casts well, they themselves give you the treatment plan.



Intern, YMT Dental College, Navi Mumbai

Noora Pathan has been the final year MUHS topper and consistent rank holder. Besides dentistry, she likes to snuggle in with her novels or devour falafels with hummus.

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