How to prepare for Oral Surgery Practical exams

How to prepare for Oral Surgery Practical exams

Then comes oral surgery

When it comes to OS we are all worried about that one thing…

Whether block has acted or not!

The block will definitely act if you have followed the steps correctly. Never panic!

Be comfortable and Inject.

♦ When it comes to OS it is chosen to be the simplest practical provided you trust your knowledge.

♦ Please do not forget the sterilization protocols, while working.

♦ Every little thing about sterilization is noticed by the examiner.

Example: Once you wear the sterilized pair of gloves, you are not supposed to touch any unsterilized equipment. Always keep your hands above the level of the waist.

♦ Please examine the instrument well before choosing it.

♦ Make sure you know your chair positions correctly.

♦ And most importantly, you should be able to justify to the examiner, as to why the tooth is indicated for extraction!



Intern, YMT Dental College, Navi Mumbai

Noora Pathan has been the final year topper and consistent MUHS rank holder. Besides dentistry, she likes to snuggle in with her novels or devour falafels with hummus.

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