How to prepare for OMDR Practical exams

How to prepare for OMDR Practical exams

♦ To Start with OMDR, you need to know every bit about your case history, especially significance.

 Example: You could be asked the simplest question in orals like importance of PATIENT NAME or OPD NUMBER.

♦ Try to stick to only noting down POSITIVE FINDINGS.

♦ EXAMINE what you record in your paper.

♦ ASK the patient for a detailed history of pain, because most of the times patients end up speaking differently in front of the examiner.

♦ We all tend to neglect the TMJ and LYMPH NODES

♦ Please examine it before you actually write about it, because sometimes minor clicking present could be missed out.

♦ Sinus tract and abscess are easily missed out on examination.

♦ If your patient has a history of swelling, always try to locate for the sinus tracts, and the most common question associated with it in viva is How do you trace a tract? (ANSWER- INSERT GP POINTS).

♦ Try to avoid taking patients with lesions, It causes you unwanted trouble in exam and then you should be able to speak everything about the lesion.

♦ If you are unsure of the maxillary radiographic angulations, try to stick to having a patient with mandibular teeth.

Radiographic interpretation– Write what you are able to see in the iopa. You should know every possible anatomical structure seen in different quadrants in the iopa. (a magnifying glass will help you a lot in reading the radiograph).

♦ Please make sure that your X-ray cone covers the film area completely to avoid unnecessary cone cuts.

♦ Be careful of accidentally dropping the x-ray film into the developer and fixer containers, due to anxiety.



Intern, YMT Dental College, Navi Mumbai

Noora Pathan has been the final year topper and consistent MUHS rank holder. Besides dentistry, she likes to snuggle in with her novels or devour falafels with hummus.

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